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February 12th 2002. Chinese New Year - the Year of the Horse. Pa'u Riders.

Asian folklore depicts the horse as a proud, hard-working and noble animal that is loyal to family and friends. An animal that perseveres steadily, confidently and with strength. People born in the Year of the Horse like receiving attention. They are honest, hard-working, independent and sociable, but are often in need of reassurance.

Two stamps were issued on February 12th 2002 to celebrate the Year of the Horse. They depict "Pa'u Riders". In the nineteenth century, Hawaiian women who did not like to ride sidesaddle on a horse developed a bulky skirt called a "Pa'u" so they could sit in the saddle like men. Hawaiian women who wore these on a horse were called "Pa'u Riders".The riders and horses were adorned with all kinds of leis. Today, Pa'u Riders are commonly seen in various parades and special events throughout the islands.

The $5 stamp (above left) prepays the Overnight rate. It shows an unnamed Pa'u Rider riding through the shallow surf on the beach.

The $8 stamp (above right) prepays the Same Day rate. It shows Princess Ka'iulani (Heiress Apparent to the Kingdom of Hawai'i) on her white horse "Fairy" dressed in Pa'u.

Both stamps are from original miniature watercolors painted by local artist Wayne Takazono. The stamp drawings are © Hawai'i Post.

A Booklet consisting of 2 panes containing 2 x $5 and 2 x $8 stamps was also issued. Each pane consists of 2 stamps and has a white margin all around. "© 2002 Hawai'i Post" is printed vertically on the lower right side margin & Hawai'i Security Printers, Honolulu, Hawai'i. is printed on the bottom margin of each pane.

The booklet has the 2 stamps depicted on the cover and is stapled twice at the left side. The back cover has a list of the postage rates of Hawai'i Post.

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Technical details of the stamps and mini-sheet:
Colors: $5 and $8 stamps - Multicolored
Size: 32mm x 48mm.
Stamps sheet size: $5 - 30 (5 across, 6 down). $8 - 30 (6 across, 5 down)
Perforation: 12.
Stamps design: Enelani.
Layout & Pre-press: Enelani.
Printer: Hawai'i Security Printers, Honolulu, Hawai'i.
Printing Method: 4-color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) printing process.
Sheet margin markings: HAWAI'I POST (top middle), "Traffic Light" showing 4 colors used in printing (lower left side), © 2001 Hawai'i Post (lower right side) & Hawai'i Security Printers, Honolulu, Hawai'i. (bottom middle)
Paper: GPA coated white stock with water-activated gum on the back.

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